Sunday, March 20, 2011

Polar Ice Caps Melting

What would happen if the polar ice caps melt?

Low lying areas such as the Florida Keys or Venice would be flooded and there would be property damage as well as migration of people and animals to higher ground.  Another concern if the polar ice caps melt would be the threat to polar animals that depend on the environment to survive.  Some species might become extinct or possibly some could adapt to a warmer climate.

Some Other Questions
1.  What would happen to Greenland, a continent mostly covered in ice?

2.  What can people do to prevent flooding in such places as Venice where there are many cultural treasures?

3.  How far will the water level rise if all the polar ice caps melted?


  1. Julie,
    You have some very good questions. It does make me wonder what would happen to some of the world's treasures or historical places if the polar ice caps melted. This could also pose a problem in overpopulated parts of the world like China or India. They could potentially lose a lot of real estate, adding to their overpopulation problem.

  2. Julie,

    I have a sister that is over seas right now in Europe as part of a master's class and one of their stops is in Venice. You bring up an interesting question about places that use the water as a part of their culture/community. I am interested to ask her details about the place now that you have mentioned Venice.
